Through its Quick Impact Projects, MONUSCO builds fence for police headquarters in Beni, North Kivu

12 juil 2013

Through its Quick Impact Projects, MONUSCO builds fence for police headquarters in Beni, North Kivu

Beni, 8 July 2013
– On 5 July, the Office of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) in Beni, officially handed over to the National Police a fence built for its headquarters in this town located in the northern part of North Kivu province. The fence is only one of the dozens quick impact projects that MONUSCO carries out around the country. The wall fence was entirely built by the 18th Nepalese contingent, and estimated at 18,026 US dollars.

The handover ceremony was presided by MONUSCO Head of Office in Beni, in the presence of the mayor, a number of police commanders, several elements of the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC), as well as officials from the National Intelligence Agency (ANR), and a number of MONUSCO military and civilian staff. Other authorities who attended the ceremony included the commander of the Quick Reaction Force, the public prosecutor, and the court president.

The local administrative and police authorities thanked MONUSCO for delivering this project and pledged to ensure that it is well taken care of.

Adama Outtara/ MONUSCO