In Western Kasai, MONUSCO hands over renovated public building to provincial officials

19 juil 2013

In Western Kasai, MONUSCO hands over renovated public building to provincial officials

Kananga, 19 July 2013 – The United Nations Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO), through its Human Rights section, officially handed over the key to the Children's Courthouse to the provincial authorities today, after renovating the building as part of its quick impact projects.

The rehabilitation works on the Children Courthouse started on 27 February and was completed on 15 July, for the total cost of 24, 884 US dollars.

The handover ceremony was presided over by the provincial minister of Justice, Mr. Willy Bilenge, in the presence of the Children's Court president, Ms. Giselle Fakuwanzo.

As he received the keys to the courthouse from the hands of Ms. Astrid Zita Sossoukpe, Head of the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office in Kananga, Mr. Bilenge thanked MONUSCO for the support its provides to the provincial government in the handling of legal matters involving minor children.

Lansana Dabo/MONUSCO