MONUSCO involved in restoration of State authority in the interior of Oriental Province

24 juil 2013

MONUSCO involved in restoration of State authority in the interior of Oriental Province

Kisangani, 23 July 2013 - In Oriental Province, a judicial delegation visited, between 11 and 16 July, the town of Ango, located in its namesake territory of Ango, 600 km north of the provincial capital, Kisangani, to evaluate possible sites to locate the newly created court of peace for the territory. The evaluation mission, which included representatives of the Justice Support and Human Rights sections of MONUSCO, was undertaken in the wake of the presidential decree establishing courts of peace in the different territories.

The delegation, which flew to Ango on board a MONUSCO helicopter, had for its mission to identify potential sites to house the court of peace, a secondary prosecution service as well as accommodation for the magistrates.

There was no court of peace in this part of the province before. This is why the president of court of peace of Ango, Billy Bulayi Kitenge, met with local traditional chiefs to inform them that now there was such a court. He told them that the old traditional courts were no longer competent to handle legal matters as they used to do. These matters will now be handled by the court of peace with their help, he said.
The territorial administrator of Ango, Jean-Pierre Molenge, and all the traditional chiefs said they were pleased to hear that this court of peace was established in their territory.

The Justice Support section of MONUSCO has been supporting the government's efforts towards restoring State authority across the country, a process that includes establishing offices of justice in the interior of the province. Blanchard Kepiasila, of the Justice Support section, explained that MONUSCO provides not only logistical support but also advisory assistance to enable the government to improve access to justice in the interior of the province. This assistance, he said, also allows the government to formulate advocacy strategies targeting decision makers and other partners working in the field of justice to get their support.

The representative of foreign Mbororo livestock farmers in the region was also informed about the establishment of this court.

It should be noted that earlier, on 9 July, the First President of the Court of appeals and the General Prosecutor at the Court of appeals of Kisangani, carried out the official installation of the staff for the Court of major jurisdiction and the prosecution service of major jurisdiction of Yangambi territory. This was made possible thanks to MONUSCO's logistical support, which included road transportation and office equipment.

Dorcas Kanku/MONUSCO