Reopening of Police Station in Douruma at Border with Southern Sudan

14 fév 2014

Reopening of Police Station in Douruma at Border with Southern Sudan

Dungu, 3 February 2014 – The local police substation in Douruma, a town located 210 km northwest of Dungu, was reopened on Saturday 1st February 2014, in a special ceremony presided over by a delegation including representatives of the police force (UNPOL) of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) and the Congolese National Police (PNC). The administrator of Dungu territory accompanied the delegation.

During the ceremony, the deputy commissioner of the judicial police, who will now serve as station commander, was presented to the police authorities. The station will be staffed with seven police officers.

The police station was reopened following a number of assessment missions carried out in this border area with the Republic of Southern Sudan by MONUSCO Police whose mandate is essentially to help with the restoration and consolidation of State authority across the DRC. The closure of this station in 2008 was due to numerous incursions in the area by rebels of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Its reopening on Saturday was the result of efforts undertaken in the sector by MONUSCO.

The administrator of the Dungu territory, who accompanied the delegation, addressed the local population, stressing the importance of the role of the Congolese police in a border town such as Douruma, where insecurity remains high. He then thanked MONUSCO for responding positively to the concerns of the local people who, for seven years, had been waiting for this police station to be reopened. The transfer of command took place between the sub-commissioner and the police which will henceforth ensure maintenance of law and order and the protection of persons and their property. During the ceremony, MONUSCO Police also offered some office equipment for the station.

Leocadio Salmeron/MONACO