South-Kivu: 71 Raïas Mutomboki surrendered and transferred to Goma by MONUSCO

19 oct 2015

South-Kivu: 71 Raïas Mutomboki surrendered and transferred to Goma by MONUSCO

Intensified sensitization campaigns within the framework of MONUSCO DDRRR coupled with the sensitization of the PNC, FARDC and civil society organizations, in addition to the FARDC military actions against armed groups continue to bear fruits, namely in the territory of Shabunda.

On 17 September 2015, the chief of Raia Mutomboki, Ms. Cynthia, the former spouse of the ex-leader Paul Ngumbi Wangozi, nicknamed Sisawa, member of the same group, surrendered to the local authorities in Shabunda center. Cynthia’s surrender is a strong signal to the other armed groups. Her surrender is the result of an attack by the armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) against her group on the previous day.

The self-proclaimed general who remarried after her husband Sisawa got killed by FARDC on Monday 15 September 2014 in a military operation, Cynthia, was accompanied by some members of her group and reportedly turned over weapons.

After her surrender, Cynthia allegedly requested the permission to return to the bush to convince the rest of her men to lay down weapons.

Approximately 100 elements of different groups from Pataule Kimbili, Kimba Kimusi, Kikuni Juriste, Willy Alexandre, Makombo and Sanga surrendered on the following day in Shabunda and Kalehe.

Food and accommodation for the surrendered elements are provided by the local authorities in Shabunda who appealed to MONUSCO to have them transferred to Goma, North-Kivu province.

Altogether, 71 elements have been transferred to Goma on 2 October to join the National Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Program III (PNDDRIII); others reportedly refused to be transferred to Goma following instructions from their leaders Kimusi and Cynthia. In the meantime, provincial military sources report clashes between FARDC and the residual elements of Cynthia’s group led by her husband Kabe.

In spite of their surrender, some Human Rights Activists are not happy with the human rights violations committed by those elements and want them to account for their criminal actions.

Biliaminou Alao