MONUSCO organizes forensic doctors’ capacity-building to deal with cases of sexual violences

13 nov 2015

MONUSCO organizes forensic doctors’ capacity-building to deal with cases of sexual violences

Kalemie, 13 November - The United Nations Joint Human Right Office in Kalemie organized a capacity-building workshop on a forensic guide for dealing with sexual violence attended by twenty medical doctors in Tanganyika including 5 women.

Financed by a British organization known as UKaid within the framework of a National Legal Assistance Program for the victims of sexual violence, the objective of the workshop was to empower participants to provide a better assistance to the victims of sexual violence.

The two trainers from Kinshasa said the workshop is a response to the findings made by the partners on the fight against sexual violence: “some forensic doctors even contribute to eliminating traces of acts of sexual violence by producing false results with a view to protecting those who commit acts of sexual violence and preventing whistle-blowing of those cases; due to lack of experience, other medical doctors traumatize the victims through weird questions.”

The medical expertise adressed during the workshop will help establish abuses by producing proofs of sexual abuses, to collect elements for the identification of abusers and to seek elements of the harm suffered by the victim.