Inauguration of North Kivu Press Center in Goma

8 déc 2015

Inauguration of North Kivu Press Center in Goma

The Special Representative of the Secretary General in the Democratic Republic of Congo Maman Sidikou has inaugurated the first North Kivu Press Center on the 07 of December 2015 in Goma.

The Center which is first of its kind in the country has been financed by the Public Information Division through MONUSCO Quick Impact Projects (QIPS) to the tone of 74.456.USD dollars.

Presiding at the ceremony SRSG Maman Sidikou said he was honored to handover the center to the Congolese National Press Union (UNPC) exhorting the Journalists who are the end users to put into good use the edifice which he said will also enable them work in a convenient environment, carry out research given the equipment, improve on their professionalism, respect media ethics and better serve the public.

Presenting the genesis of the project the Director of Public Information Charles Antoine Bambara said the Press Center project was in projection and preplanning for posterity bearing in mind the exit of the mission/MONUSCO from DRC one day, hence the need for the press in North-Kivu to have an appropriate place of work when the MONUSCO (William Elachi ) Press Center might not be in place in future to serve the purpose.

The Vice Governor of North Kivu in appreciation thanked MONUSCO for the good and timely and good gesture which said was prove of good collaboration which will go a long way to improve on the professionalism and output of the media men and women not only in his province but country in general.

The provincial and national presidents of UNPC showed their gratitude to PID and MONUSCO for good collaboration, continuous support in their work, accompanying the union with endless services including training, research through internet, travel and a very conducive and appropriate working environment.

It should be noted that the primary objectives of the Press Center are to provide an appropriate environment for media professionals to work in serenity, research through internet organize trainings for capacity building, interact with fellow media practitioners, provincial authorities , the public respect media ethics, deontology and most of all reinforce the collaboration between the Media and MONUSCO.

It is also a place where Journalists could meet, to work, and exchange ideas to better serve the public not only in North Kivu but the country as a whole.