The Head of MONUSCO meets local authorities of Ituri

9 déc 2015

The Head of MONUSCO meets local authorities of Ituri

Bunia, 5 December 2015

- The new Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in the DRC, Maman Sidikou, on his very first visit to the country’s eastern part, met with the authorities of Ituri province and those of Gety town, in order to better understand the general situation in the province and rekindle the strategic dialogue for stabilization, peace and the creation of sustainable development.

Upon arrival in Bunia on 5 December, Maman Sidikou met with the special commissioner of Ituri province, Abdalah Pene Mbaka, with whom he discussed, among other things, the security situation and the rehabilitation of infrastructure with a view to revitalizing social and economic development in Southern Irumu and in Mambasa territory.

The Head of MONUSCO expressed his desire for enhanced cooperation with the authorities, both civilian and military, in order to put an end to the exactions committed by armed groups. He said that “the doors will remain open for combatants willing to give up their arms and reunite with their families to build a sustainable peace. »

In a sign of solidarity with the population facing violence at the hands of the FRPI armed group, Maman Sidikou went to Géty in Southern Irumu, where he discussed with the head of Walendu Bindi community, Olivier Peke. Both called on the population to support the MONUSCO/FARDC joint actions, while stressing that « lasting peace is built around the negotiating table.”

Maman Sidikou continued his visit with the inauguration of three new infrastructures built or rehabilitated with the support of MONUSCO. In particular, he officially opened the 70- km road linking Bunia, Bogora and Aveba, rehabilitated by Nepalese military engineers of MONUSCO.

In thanking the MONUSCO Nepalese soldiers for rehabilitating this road, Olivier Peke, traditional chief of Walendu Bindi, noted that Aveba was now a two-hour drive from Bunia, which will boost the region’s economic development.