MONUSCO trains 40 media professionals in Western Kasai

8 juil 2013

MONUSCO trains 40 media professionals in Western Kasai

Kananga, 4 July 2013 – A group of 40 journalists, including editors-in-chief and editors, from the different radio stations across Western Kasai province, received training from the Public Information Office of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO). The three-day training, 27 to 29 June 2013, was organized in Kananga, the provincial main town, on such aspects of journalistic reporting as writing news scripts, content organization and professional ethics.

The provincial Minister of Information and Press, Mr. Willy Bilenge Woto, and the Coordinator of the United Nations Joint Office in Western Kasai, co-presided the opening ceremony for the workshop aimed at increasing the professional capacity of these journalists in providing accurate and reliable information through responsible and professional reporting in their daily activities as well as during election time.

Innocent Mbumba, the provincial president of the National Union of the Congolese Press, denounced the harassment that journalists are victims of from some local authorities. He, then, called on them to respect the freedom of expression that all journalists are entitled to. The Coordinator ad interim of the UN Joint Office, said MONUSCO was ready, within its mandate, to support all efforts contributing to the development of Western Kasai.

As for the Provincial Minister of Information and Press, he thanked MONUSCO for making this training possible. Mr. Woto then invited the journalists to take advantage of the opportunity offered through this workshop to improve their professional skills. Finally, he noted with regret that 90% of radio and television stations in the province operate with total disregard for State legislation, and called on them to meet their obligations.

Lansana Dabo/ MONUSCO