MONUSCO trains Uvira’s and Fizi’s journalists

9 juil 2013

MONUSCO trains Uvira’s and Fizi’s journalists

Uvira, 5 July 2013 – Sixty journalists from community radio stations belonging to the Network for Synergy of the Media Outlets of Uvira and Fizi territories attended a two-day training workshop from 14 to 15 June in the town of Uvira, South Kivu, by the Public Information Division of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO).

The focus of the training was on the techniques of editorial meetings as well as investigative journalism. In addition, the workshop dwelled on the responsibility of radio journalists to their listeners, which, according to the trainers, require journalists to take into account the social, cultural and political sensitivities of the communities in which they operate.

The training ended with a free discussion among the participants on Resolution 2098 (2013) of the United Nations Security Council, which extended MONUSCO mandate for another year.

Laurent Sam Oussou/ MONUSCO